My First Science Experiments


A strong educational foundation helps ensure a child is able to benefit from the learning opportunities available in today’s kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classrooms. Help encourage your child’s interest in STEM with this first science experiments book, which includes a dozen fun experiments for you to do together at home!

104 pages of science experiments!

Includes 4 sheets of stickers

Aimed at children ages 5-7

Encourages interest in STEM topics.

Easy experiments can be done at home with parent and child!

Includes helpful parent tips throughout

Bright, colorful pages blend photographs and illustrations to make this workbook one of the most eye-catching and engaging available

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SKU 9781338776348 الصنف: الوسوم: , , ,

معلومات إضافية

العمر: 5+ سنوات
عدد الصفحات: 104
الغلاف: فلكسي
الأبعاد: 20.3 * 27.1 cm