Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Aladdin


Enter the fairytale world of genies and magic in this delightful new addition to the Peep Inside a Fairy Tale series. Aladdin is a poor boy, but by trusting his instincts, and with a little luck, he achieves his heart’s desire. Delicately cut holes in the pages entice the reader through Aladdin’s adventure, with flaps revealing magical transformations.

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SKU 9781474992244 الصنف: الوسوم: , , ,

معلومات إضافية

العمر: 3+ سنوات
عدد الصفحات: 14
الغلاف: الغلاف والداخل كرتوني
الأبعاد: 19.6 * 16.6 cm